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Webinar Archives
Aired | Webinar | Presenter | Length | Description | Recording | Presentation |
4/12/23 | Design for Resilience and Sustainability | Andy Horgan (Nudura Systems, Inc.) and Jim Schneider, LEED AP (PCI Mountain States) | 1 Hour |
Resilient design of buildings in the twenty-first century is imperative … Resilient design of buildings in the twenty-first century is imperative given increased intensity and frequency of extreme adverse climatic events. Buildings must withstand environmental impacts to their exteriors while simultaneously protecting the occupants within and maintain operational functionality.
In this presentation we will discuss how to incorporate concrete construction systems as a sustainable building assembly option to meet the challenges of designing and building energy efficient and resilient structures that can withstand most, if not all natural disasters.
Architects, Engineers, General Contractors and Building Owners will gain a thorough understanding of concrete structural system benefits, including thermal envelope performance, design integration, construction processes, and renewable energy resources for consideration and implementation into overall building envelope design and construction. |
5/21/20 | Trends in Modern Concrete Floors | Kevin MacDonald, PhD, PE, FACI | 1 hour |
The drive for sustainability often creates a tension between durability, co… View Description The drive for sustainability often creates a tension between durability, constructability an owner’s expectations. The presentation will concentrate on changes in owners expectations such as low maintenance, crack free and aesthetically pleasing slabs on grade. These will be reviewed in the context of new materials, such as alternative sources of binder, Type IL cements, sinusoidal or plate dowels, and the various techniques used to increase the spacing between joints, or even to remove them completely. |
8/16/23 | The Role of Concrete in Carbon Neutrality | Andrea Schokker, PhD, PE, LEED AP (NEU, An ACI Center of Excellence for Carbon Neutral Concrete) | 1 Hour |
This presentation will introduce the work of NEU, an ACI Center of Excel… This presentation will introduce the work of NEU, an ACI Center of Excellence for Carbon Neutral Concrete, and discuss the important role of concrete in reaching carbon neutrality. The presentation will provide an overview of key terms and concepts, the latest information on green concrete codes, and examples of low carbon practices for the concrete industry for the present and future. |
11/8/23 | Evaluation of Concrete Core Test Results According to ACI 318-19 | Luke Snell, P.E. | 1 Hour |
This presentation by Luke Snell, P.E. and an H… This presentation by Luke Snell, P.E. and an Honorary Member of ACI will take us step by step through the process of how to make a decision with core test results. Remember everyone is on edge when cores are needed – the concrete may be below strength and correction measures even removed may be needed!!! |
1/10/24 | Concrete Basics for Young Professionals | Tyler Ley, PhD, PE, FACI, FAcerS | 1 Hour |
Many issues related to construction can be all… Many issues related to construction can be alleviated by a fundamental understanding of the basics of concrete. This starts with knowledge of the standard components of a concrete mixture including cementitious materials, aggregates, water, and admixtures and their importance on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The combination of these materials in various proportions can produce mixtures suitable for a wide range of applications and placement methods. Once placed, the concrete must be properly cured to develop its intended properties. This presentation introduces the basics of concrete and describes its importance and application as a construction material. |
3/13/24 | Concrete Innovations - Pathways for reducing concrete's carbon footprint | Donn Thompson, Senior Director, Building Innovations, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association | 1 Hour |
It is becoming increasingly common for developers and the AEC community … It is becoming increasingly common for developers and the AEC community to establish carbon reduction goals for projects, in addition to other sustainability targets. Policies are being put in place that set carbon footprint limits on certain materials. In this session we will review the current landscape of embodied carbon and sustainability, how to calculate the carbon footprint of your scope on a project and discuss availability of local materials and strategies to reduce embodied carbon of concrete, including specific strategies to incorporate in specifications. We will also discuss how the ready-mix supplier can support the industry on a project that has carbon reduction goals. |
5/8/24 | History of Concrete - How it Started | Luke Snell, P.E., FACI, Honorary Member -ACI Concrete Consultant | 1 hour |
Concrete is the second most used material in the world, only exceeded by… Concrete is the second most used material in the world, only exceeded by water. It is also one of our oldest construction materials starting thousands of years ago. It continues to evolve and allows us to make the tallest buildings, bridges, and roadways. So how did our ancestors find out that if we heated rocks, we could make cement and then make concrete? How did we discover the multi-step process of making our modern concrete? This presentation will take us through the journey of how cement and concrete developed. Along this journey, we will see how the discovery of fire, bricks, pottery, pyramids, and lighthouses played a major role in the development of concrete. |
6/3/20 | Concrete: Adaptive and Resilient Engineering for Climate Change | Julie Buffenbarger | 1 Hour |
Concrete, a core building material, has general properties — including st… View Description Concrete, a core building material, has general properties — including strength, durability, versatility, and relatively low cost— making it the most used building material in the world. the immediate and imminent challenges brought by population growth, urbanization and industrial production have provided an impetus for an increasing need for the resilience of buildings and infrastructure manufactured with concrete. |
6/11/20 | The Future of Fly Ash | Doug Rhodes | 1 Hour |
More than 75% of all concrete is made with fly ash. In some states, fly ash… View Description More than 75% of all concrete is made with fly ash. In some states, fly ash is specified for all concrete structures. Several regional shortages in the past few years coupled with increasing EPA regulations and plant conversions from coal to natural gas has put the future of fly ash in question. This presentation will go over where the fly ash industry is today, what is being done to help with supply, and what is being done to help ensure a strong fly ash market for the future. |
7/8/20 | Introduction to Insulating Concrete Forms | John Lee, PE, LEED® A.P. and Curt Gohmann | 1 Hour |
The use of Insulating Concrete Forms or ICF’s as a structural building en… View Description The use of Insulating Concrete Forms or ICF’s as a structural building envelope has increased in recent years as building owners look to create buildings that require less maintenance while being energy efficient, quiet and, most importantly, resilient. This one-hour presentation will discuss the concept of ICF’s from design to construction while highlighting the many benefits for the designer, contractor, owner and occupant. Attendees of this course will see a variety of project types and learn why ICF’s were chosen over other building materials. |
9/17/20 | Concrete Cracking | Kim D. Basham, PhD, PE, FACI (KB Engineering, LLC) | 1 Hour |
Concrete provides structures with strength, rigidity, and resilience fro… Concrete provides structures with strength, rigidity, and resilience from deformation. These characteristics, however, result in concrete structures lacking the flexibility to move in response to environmental or volume changes. Cracking is usually the first sign of distress in concrete. Cracking of concrete flatwork is natural, expected, and accepted. However, cracks may affect appearance, performance, and maintenance costs. This presentation will discuss the various types of concrete cracks and how to best minimize their occurrence. |
10/13/20 | ACI 360 – Design of Slabs on Ground | Scott Tarr, PE, FACI (North S.Tarr Concrete Consulting) | 2 Hours |
There are five commonly used procedures for designing industrial floor s… There are five commonly used procedures for designing industrial floor slabs. All of them are effective when their recommendations and details are followed. So, how does a designer choose the best method for a particular floor? The most common approach is to determine the type of floor construction needed for expected loading conditions. Then, from the design procedures, select the most appropriate method for determining floor thickness, reinforcement, joint spacing, and other details. This presentation will discuss the ACI 360 “Guide to Design of Slabs on Ground”. It will briefly address the planning, design, and detailing of slabs. Background information on design theories is followed by discussion of the types of slabs, soil-support systems, loadings, and jointing. Some worked design examples for various types of concrete slabs-on-ground will also be covered. |
10/21/20 | Construction Special Inspections | Rob Flickinger and Derek Van Heuveln (American Engineering Testing) | 1 Hour |
Anyone who has watched a building under construction can appreciate its … Anyone who has watched a building under construction can appreciate its complexity and sophistication. Occasionally, inspection and testing requirements occur that the local code official may not be qualified or experienced to address, so third-party assistance is needed. The building codes address this need through a specific requirement for structural tests and “special” inspections. A special inspection can be required for materials, installation, fabrication, erection or placement of components and connections where special expertise is needed. This presentation will cover the requirement of special inspections as well as some examples of when construction testing and inspections did not go as planned. |
11/4/20 | Economic, Construction & Cement Outlook: Cyclical & Structural Changes Resulting from Covid | Dave Zwicke (Portland Cement Association) | 1 Hour |
The webinar covers Minnesota's cement/concrete trends and where the … The webinar covers Minnesota's cement/concrete trends and where the market is headed in the next few years. We will examine economic growth scenarios that may unfold under differing assumptions regarding COVID-19. Where are the growth opportunities? Will there be structural changes to the construction market following the recession? The presenter is Dave Zwicke who is Sr. Director of Economic Analysis at the Portland Cement Association. |
12/8/20 | New ACI Design Guides for Fiber Reinforced Concrete, and Other Developments in FRC | Mike Mahoney, PE, FACI (Euclid Chemical) | 1 Hour |
The use of Fiber Reinforced Concrete continues to evolve and become more… The use of Fiber Reinforced Concrete continues to evolve and become more common place in everyday concrete construction. Learn how the new ACI 544.4R document can help ready- mix producers, engineers and contractors by providing a roadmap to designing FRC for many applications including floors, precast, shotcrete and paving applications. An update will also be provided on other CODE approvals such as UL fire classification for composite deck designs, various DOT initiatives for paving with FRC and the improvements in ASTM and other test methods to verify correct fiber selection and quantities in concrete. |
1/6/21 | The Use of Insulating Concrete Forms for Commercial Construction - Contractor's Perspective | Justice Olson (Nudura) and DC Mangimelli (Fox Blocks) | 1 Hour |
Lighter, faster and more cost effective than other forms of construction… Lighter, faster and more cost effective than other forms of construction, Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) are quickly becoming the construction method of choice for all forms of construction including single and multi-family, hotels, schools, offices. Concrete contractors, masons and framers have an opportunity to learn how their trade can work with ICFs to enhance their competitiveness in today’s construction environment. The presentation will focus on how to communicate basic ICF detailing, design efficiencies, and other necessary information to designers who may not be familiar with ICF construction. Also included in the presentation will be information on how ICF’s can affect other sections of the specification, best construction practices, and tips on how to determine labor costs for an ICF project. |
1/13/21 | Better Design Through Embodied Carbon - Part One of the Sustainable Structures Webinar Series | Emily Lorenz, PE | 1 Hour |
Part of the Sustainable Structures Webinar Series… Part of the Sustainable Structures Webinar Series: Now that architects have a good understanding of environmental impacts related to energy use, the next design frontier in tackling climate change is reducing the embodied carbon in buildings. This live webinar will focus on best practices for determining the embodied carbon in a building, including credible sources for embodied carbon data. It will introduce common practices and misconceptions about comparisons of embodied carbon. A case study will be presented that highlights how design decisions may be influenced when comparing among up-front carbon, use-phase carbon, or whole-life carbon. The presentation will highlight existing tools related to quantifying embodied carbon. |
1/20/21 | Concrete Systems 101 – An Introduction to Insulating Concrete Forms and Precast Concrete | Micah Garrett (BuildBlock) and Randy Wilson (PCI) | 1 Hour |
Part of the Sustainable Structures Webinar Series… Part of the Sustainable Structures Webinar Series: This presentation will give a brief basic overview of insulating concrete forms (ICFs) and precast concrete. The presenters will answer the following questions: What are ICFs and what is precast concrete? What are the benefits of each system? How is each installed/erected? What types of buildings are constructed from precast concrete and ICFs? |
1/27/21 | Resiliency – Consideration Beyond Code Requirements | Shamim Rashid-Sumar, PE, FSFPE (National Ready Mixed Concrete Association) | 1 Hour |
Part of the Sustainable Structures Webinar Series… Part of the Sustainable Structures Webinar Series: Prescriptive building code requirements represent provisions for the least safe structure that may legally be built in a jurisdiction. Over the past 20 years, the building design and construction industry have witnessed an increase in the number of trade-offs of passive fire safety features for active systems. As natural disasters attributed to climate change continue to escalate, the population of neighborhoods located along with the wildland-urban interface increases, and fire and emergency access to buildings in densely populated areas is obstructed, multiple drivers arise to consider more robust construction for our built environment. The presentation will provide an overview of increased risks from natural and human hazards, identify approaches to mitigate their effects through voluntary and mandatory strategies and demonstrate the importance of incorporating standards for resiliency beyond minimum code requirements. |
2/23/21 | Avoiding Damage, Distress, and Disappointment in Concrete Structures | Michael W. Lee (Principal at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates) | 1 Hour |
This presentation reviews failures, damages, and other incidences of poo… This presentation reviews failures, damages, and other incidences of poor performance in concrete structures that have served to shape today's building codes and the standard of care for the profession. Examples range from well-documented, high-profile collapses to lesser known but similarly influential structural and serviceability problems. Case histories will include discussion of excessive cracking, the cause of such distress, and mitigation measures. The case histories will illustrate how small details can often mean the difference between success and disappointment; and how codes have evolved to reduce the risk of future failures. |
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