The Minnesota Concrete Council (MCC) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1989. MCC is dedicated to advancing education, technical practice, scientific investigation and research into cast-in-place construction by organizing the efforts of its members for a non-profit public service. MCC’s membership base represents design, construction and support industries associated with reinforced and post-tensioned concrete construction. MCC is proud of its growing and diverse membership. Its broad-based membership rivals that of any other local or regional association in the cast-in-place concrete industry. MCC is made up of representatives from the design, construction and support industries related to the reinforced and post-tensioned concrete construction industry.

Education & Events

Presenters are brought in to address items of specific interest and need pertinent to the local area. Monthly breakfast meetings, half-day symposiums and hands-on educational opportunities are offered throughout the calendar year. MCC isn't only about excellent educational opportunities. Two scholarship fundraising events our held every year. Join us in August for our sell-out golf outing and in September for our wildly popular sporting clay shoot.


  • MCC Networking Lawn Bowling Event
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  • The Culture Climb – How to Build a Work Culture that Maximizes Your Impact
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  • Designing Healthy Buildings with Concete
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  • MCC Golf Outing & Scholarship Fundraiser
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Prior to the Minnesota Concrete Council, there was not a good local, single-source of unbiased information on how we can do a better job of designing and building with cast-in-place concrete.

MCC was created to bring proven methods and new ideas together, to educate its members on how to improve the quality and use of concrete in our structures, and to educate decision-makers on the benefits of quality concrete construction.

Initial meetings regarding the concept of a cast-in-place concrete group occurred in the fall of 1988. The construction industry was quite robust and other organizations were actively promoting their delivery systems as being the best in terms durability, speed, economics and schedule. Many felt the advantages of cast-in-place concrete outnumbered and outweighed those other systems and the group was formed in early 1989.

The founders had a multifold vision as to the shape and needs of the industry and setup the organization to meet those future needs. Several areas were ear-marked for development:

1. Continuing education for professionals was coming and MCC could be the organization that could readily provide training and education for these new requirements. Similar training requirements now apply to construction superintendents.

2. Technical advances in the concrete industry were occurring and a forum was needed to present the results and educate the stakeholders of the industry.

3. An organization was needed to design and undertake future research projects related to CIP.

4. Environmental impacts on the construction industry were eminent and the organization could address the purposeful reuse of waste-stream materials.

5. Conservation of energy was coming to the fore and green thinking has now overtaken the industry in conjunction with Item 4 above.

MCC's first educational meeting consisted of about 20 people. MCC educational meetings now currently average 125 people including architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, ready-mix producers, testing labs, attorneys and materials suppliers!

MCC has been a major force in training, improving and evolving the technical practices and the competence of the CIP industry. All and all, the organization has been quite successful and has tremendous potential for even more success in the future. New technology develops quickly, and the organization provides a forum for presentation, review and evaluation of the pros and cons of these new developments.