Scholarship & Grant Fundraisers

Scholarship Fundraisers

In addition to numerous continuing education programs, MCC hosts four annual scholarship & grant fundraisers – one golf outing, one 5k, and two sporting clays events. Please see the calendar for all upcoming programs and events. To sponsor, volunteer or ask questions about events, please contact MCC’s Administrator, Priscilla Conway.

a lone golfer putts on the green , the low sun is coming from behind him and flaring to camera.

Golf Outing

Held every August as a fundraiser for the MCC Scholarship & Grant Fund, the MCC Annual Golf Outing is an extremely popular event that provides an excellent opportunity for members to entertain customers and guests and to interact and exchange ideas in a relaxed, casual atmosphere.

The next MCC Golf Outing will be held in August, 2025 at Legends Golf Club in Prior Lake, Minnesota. Exact date to be determined. 

Run With Strength

Held in June, MCC’s Run with Strength is a Scholarship & Grant Fundraiser for members of all ages, families, and friends. Participants have a choice between our Family One Mile and the full 5k (3.1 miles). Participants go at their own speed- run, walk, stroller, or talk with Priscilla about other options.
The next MCC Run With Strength 5K/Family 1 Mile will be held on June 7, 2025.

the start of a 5k race
close up of shot guns placed on rack, with shell casings seen on the floor.

Big/Little Clay Shoots

Held in the Spring (Little Shoot) and Fall (Big Shoot), each Sporting Clays Event is becoming increasingly popular and provides an excellent opportunity for members to engage their customers and guests in a fun, relaxed and casual setting.

The next MCC Little Shoot will be held on May 13, 2025 at Rice Creek Hunting and Recreation in Little Falls, MN.

The next MCC Big Shoot will be held October 2, 2025 at MN Horse & Hunt.