Shoring and Reshoring Loads, Safety, Cost, Schedule, Concrete and Responsibility – Forms, shores, and re-shores are a temporary structure that carries the weight and construction load of the permanent structure until it is strong enough to stand up for itself. While serving this temporary duty, forms, shores, and re-shores impact construction safety, cost, productivity, and schedule, and influence appearance, deformations, tolerances, and cracking of the hardened reinforced or prestressed concrete. This presentation introduces Codes, standard specifications, OSHA, and ANSI documents that address responsibilities for forms and shores. By an example of a multi-story building, we look at how shore and re-shore systems work, including how shoring & re-shoring plans must be synchronized with rate-of-strength-gain of the concrete, as influenced by mix-design and ambient temperature. This complex topic demonstrates how schedule, concrete mix, weather, construction technology, lab and in-place testing all come together.